sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015


Homogeneous mixtures: we can´t see the different ingredients.

Milk +  sugar + cocoa powder....Can you see the ingredients? It's a homogeneous mixture.

Heterogeneous mixtures: we can see and separate the ingredients easily.
Lettuce + oil + vinegar + tomato + cucumber....Can you see the ingredients? Can you separate them? It´s a heterogeneous mixture.

Matter: Mass and volume

Everything that has mass and volume is matter.

  • Mass is the amount of matter of an object. It's measured in kilograms (kg) using a scale.
Garfield is using a scale!

  • Volume is measured in litres (l) . It's the space that an object takes up. We use a jug.
This is a jug!

New vocabulary!

Can you pronounce all these words?